March 15, 1944
Dearest Evvie,
Just received your typewritten V-mail of 3 March so am replying in kind. Any time you feel like writing V-mail that way, Sweet, I won't complain, 'cause you certainly can squeeze plenty of type into this form. I’m missing your letters of the 1st and 2nd, and hoping they show up tomorrow. You say you gave the “new coat” to the tailor for cleaning and lengthening of the sleeves. Is that the beige top-coat you were thinking of buying - or the new fur coat? It has me puzzled. If it's the former then why the cleaner? If the latter why the tailor and not the furrier? I give up! No I don't! I just got an idea. It must be the beige topcoat. Why the cleaner? Why because the light material showed the marks of being handled in the shop! (Now can I move up to the head of the class, teacher!)
The minute I saw your V-mail so neatly and cleanly typed I thought, at last the typewriter is fixed! From the look of the type, I would say that you have a new ribbon also. Although the print is tiny, it is very legible. I guess one of the two missing letters will straighten me out on both points.
When I read that you had procured a whole box of Milky Ways from Ben and were sending it of "tomorrow" I almost yelled for joy. When I receive that particular package, l'll be the envy of the whole darn Army. That, my Sweet, is a prize of the first water. You have a mistaken idea, Ev, if you think that I am a candy-hog. I can understand why you have that impression, but you are overlooking the true reasons behind my constant pleas for candy. First, you must understand that it is well-nigh impossible to get any more sweets here in England then our regular weekly ration, which is usually one (1) chocolate bar of some kind, and a coupla bars of peppermints or some other hard candy. Secondly, you must bear in mind that it is one of the very few things that we have no way of getting in even moderate quantity. Finally, you must take into consideration the fact that it takes almost two months for a package to arrive from the States. Now, do you begin to understand my "unseemly" clamoring after candy - and nothing else? (Lest I forget - Request: Please send the package of candy. )
Glad to hear that "Spring, beautiful Spring" has finally come to good ole Philly. How about meeting me on the bench in front of the house at 5 P.M. sharp? I’ll be sitting on the end nearest the porch. Look for me there, will you, Chippie? I'm going to take it for granted it's a date.
This morning, having the most of my work cleaned up, I found time to write a real "longie” to brother Jack. Consequently, I feel much better this evening. Tomorrow I'll try to get one off to Jack N., and perhaps Dottie, if I can manage it.
Glad to hear that the punkin is getting steadier on her pins. The picture of you holding her by the hand and walking in the Spring sun up Sycamore-lined Eighth Street, is a very pretty one. God grant I’ll be able to join you before the sunshine gives way to the gray skies and cold winds of Winter!
Just noticed you asked a question. You want to know if I learned anything from the “others" about that certain subject! What an idea??!! You should be the best judge of whether or not I needed to learn anything. I hope my answer of a flat NO doesn't disappoint you, Chippie. Now I’ll ask you one. Do you know of any point of said subject that I am ignorant of? Is there, perhaps, an indefinable lack that you have felt at some time? If so, I'll make every effort to learn it from the “others".
Time to tender all my love to the Chippie who when she learned to love - learned everything.
Your Phil
March 16, 1944
Dearest Mine,
I did not write yesterday and you will learn why shortly. As I told you in Tuesday's letter, I bought Adele shoes yesterday. I got off to a good start Wednesday morning and was expecting Sarah to accompany me, but she couldn't. I had to call 12 shoe stores before I hit one that had her size in stock and then I ran like hell.
It was Goldstein's,1004 South St. I went alone and damn near died of exhaustion. My insides still ache. I thought sure I had ruptured myself, even though I made Adele do more walking than she ever did. She practically walked from here to 5th St. with me picking her up at intervals. The ride on the 47 is tiring and since we went up and back with less than a half hour's break it was plain murder. Yesterday and today the weather has been hot - high humidity that has made everyone sweat. She cried half the way back and twisted and turned and the trolley was packed to the doors affording little air. I was getting ill myself. You know what riding on trolley’s does to me. Well, this was no exception, hence my fear of traveling alone with Adele. Baby, I never wished so hard for you to be present! I must have cursed the U.S. Army black and blue. She was waring a 4-1/2 EE and now she's wearing a 5-1/2 D. She had been misfitted the last time and her feet were uncomfortable in the short too wide shoes. The fellow there said that if anyone fitted his kid that way he'd put them in prison. He said EE was for kids that weigh about 50 lbs, and can't stand on their feet. The shoes are good looking white buckskin and cost $3.50. I even called the Walk-Easy shop on Chestnut Street that charges $6 a pair and couldn't get a thing. If I have any trouble whatever with these shoes I shall take her to a foot doctor. By the way, Dot’s Aunt worked at Goldsteins and referred me to the fellow who knew the most about fitting children's shoes. Otherwise I would have gone straight to a doctor. No wonder the poor kid wasn't walking properly and kept falling. These shoes have done wonders already. This fellow told me not to worry about width in a baby's shoe - but length. Always buy them long was his advice. He said he'd rather let me walk out without shoes rather than sell a misfit and lose a customer.
I fed and bathed Adele, put her in bed, fell across our bed, and slept for a full two hours. When I awoke my sides and stomach were still aching and it was after nine. I had to wash Adele's sleepers, for I hadn't a single change. Then I went right back to bed. Adele only woke once, otherwise I rested most of the night. I dread the next shoe-buying spree already. Do you blame me?
I'm really getting ahead of myself for I neglected to mention that Ethel and Al stopped over late Tuesday night. They brought the candy we had ordered from Rae and I shall be mailing off another package most any day, when I can catch my breath. Ethel's baby had dropped and Ethel looked smaller than ever. Her wedding band is plain gold with six chips bunched together across the top like mine, only the chips are a bit larger than mine. It's plain and pretty. We talked til almost 12. I returned the things Ethel gave me and gave her a dozen nipples that I had left from Adele.
This is the third mailless day again and I can't help wondering at the lack of mail. Do you know, baby, that Ed's mail always is five days old! My mother had a letter from him today dated Mar. 11. He said he was hoping to meet you again and asked for two large requests - a wrist watch and a hunting knife like yours. Whatever happened to your letters of Mar 1 2 3 5 and after the 7? Gosh but the lack of mail kills me! C'mon sumpin'!
Tonight Mom gave each Goldie and I $5 for a birthday gift. I felt terrible about accepting it, but I guess she felt good about the new raise. I hope to get a new dress by adding to it, if I can get something nice. And something else that made me feel I pretty good. My Mom has a gold baby ring for Adele and a gold bracelet with a little diamond chip in it. I never thought of mentioning the want of these two items to my Mom - so there now. She'll get them for me first opportunity and Adele will have some jewelry after all. Goldie brought her gold baby ring home from Poughkeepsie and I tried it on Adele. It fit her third finger perfectly and she admired it no end. She could't pull it off either. My mother also I had a lovely gold Jewish star, but I think Ruth wants that. She has a tiny locket, heart-shaped that I wore, but I bit it in several places and she doesn't have a chain for it. Isn’t funny that I never thought of asking her, yet I knew she had something in baby jewelry. I had written to Gloría to inquire of her brother-in-law (the jeweler who has his own company) and he advised her to advise me not to buy anything in the jewelry line. Even Uncle Nish said so. Gloria received your request, but wrote that she thinks the Post office will no longer accept shipments of chocolate for overseas due to the fact that they melt or spoil before arrival. I haven't heard of anything to that effect and asked Lou to inquire for me. Incidentally, the postage rates on air-mail to a soldier will remain 6¢ and it will be 3¢ for local as well as out-of-town mail. That won't run my postage bill any higher, as I had thought it would previously. I don't know what Gloria plans to do. No doubt she'll send it if it is permissable. How has the chocolate I've sent reached you?
Harry and Goldie had to pay an income tax of $150 excluding the heavy tax being deducted from Harry's pay. Their combined incomes totaled nearly $4000 last year and they claim they haven't much to show for it. The way they spent money it is no wonder - if it is true. Harry has been having trouble with an arkle and went to the doctor. this evening. Ethel asked us to come over for a cake cutting of her anniversary cake but I couldn't get anyone to stay with Adele. Mom and Goldie went a short while ago. Today is Rae's birthday too. Ethel and Mickey bought her a gorgeous pin and earrings - so I hear.
Ethel told us Tuesday night that Bob Leiberman is in 4-F on account of his hernia. Lena never said a thing. You know Bob.
Phil, when I heard of the differences between Ireland and England and the heavy bombing of London recently I felt funny and wished very much that you hadn't been in London. I know you had a two-day pass coming up and that you said you weren't planning on going anywhere this trip, but if you borrowed you might have been there at the time. Need I tell you of my feelings?
I'm even leary about dragging Adele up to C(lare). P(ruett). but if it's nice next week I'll put her in the walker and wheel her up. I’m more anxious than ever to get the carriage, but my Dad tells me I'll just have to be patient. They are expecting metal ones any day now. Almost all baby things will be made of metal and will be released any day now. Regular carriages made entirely of metal have already been released.
Baby, mine, it's getting late and I'm terribly anxious to hit the sack, as you would say. I'm not going though, not until I've told you, just once more, that I love you, Phil, more with the passing of each second and minute and hour. A loving kiss from
Your Eve
March 16, 1944.
Darling Chippie,
Since the “longie” of yesterday, very little has happened to warrant my writing, but since it is my custom to do so whenever possible, whether there is anything to write about or not, I'll cudgel my brain for words enough to fill this page.
This morning I finished up the more important work for the month when I turned in the Officers Pay Vouchers to the Finance Office. After tending a few minor matters, I found some time on my hands, so I decided to write that long overdue letter to Jack N. I filled three of these sheets with closely written script, so I don't think he has any room for complaint as to the length of the letter. This took ’til lunch-time. After lunch I had some more “free” time which was spent composing the enclosed birthday greeting. Most of the afternoon was whiled away in this pursuit. (Do I hear you muttering that I wasted my time?) Maybe I did—but since I am unable to offer a more tangible gift under the circumstances, I felt impelled to tender what little inspiration I could on the approaching occasion of your 22nd birthday. Please be lenient with your criticism of my little effort, Sweet, and allow for the fact that I imposed a severe restriction on my range of expression when I determined the first letter of each line before-hand. If the whole thing seems “off-balance,” it is for the same reason. If the whole thing doesn't make sense, at least remember that my intentions were good, and that I was endeavoring to the best of my limited ability to wish you a very happy birthday.
There was no mail for me today and I'm beginning to count the mail-less days again in anticipation of the next batch. Things are pretty dull around here this evening and I'm beginning to feel lazy and sleepy, so you'll excuse me, I know, if I kiss you good-night at this point—and turn in. Kiss my punkin for me. My love to all.
Yours ever-lovingly,
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