Saturday, November 20, 2021

Post #452 - September 9, 10, 1944 A Big Fire Broke Out Under the Vanity and We Had a “Live” Subject as a Topic: “Demobilization”


Sept. 10, 1944

My dearest,

It is about 4 P. M. and I have just finished cleaning. Adele woke up a short while ago and I dressed her all in pink, with a large pink bow in her hair. Ruth has her out in the walker, so that I may write this and get dressed and catch a bit of rest.

I started to write yesterday, but was too tired and went to bed instead. Ruth tells me she has described in detail the various things she brought Adele. Well, baby, I just wish you could see your dotter in the blue jersey and dubonnet jodhpurs! They fit her to perfection and then some. The blouse is adorable and also fits beautifully. Ruth brought you some salt water taffys and I shall mail them off this week along with the bottles and nipples, which I hope to get. Ruth also brought Adele a two-way doll, with a black face on one side and a white face on the other - and - a cake of soap shaped like a fish that has a very pleasing odor.)

I worked yesterday morning for four hours and shopped on Broad St. for groceries when I got off the subway. Later I went shopping with Ruth and Adele and bought Adele a lovely pair of dark powder blue corduroy overalls and myself a pair of stockings, I also bought two decals for her table and chair set and Ruth put them on the chairs. They represent the figures of a teddy bear, duck and a bunny. I'm going to get a large one for the center of the table. It makes the set more attractive. I paid Mr. Bellet another dollar and now owe only four on the set. Someday I'll tell you some stories about Mr. Bellet and that table & chair set.

You should have been here this morning. Boy was I excited! I was cleaning our room and was about to remove one of the torches when a big fire broke out under the vanity - but I mean a fire! The cord from the torch was broken right at the lamp (on the bureau) end and had been sparking. When I went to move it in order to dust I caused a short and the wall, varnish on the floor and cord created a big fire. I screamed to Mom, who was in the bathroom for water and immediately withdrew the extension from the wall (the fire broke out on the floor between the cord end of the torch and the extension cord). I spilled the water on everything, just to be sure. Boy was I nervous when it was over! Adele gets frightened when she sees I am and I was plenty frightened. Even she began to cry. Now she keeps mentioning me - Momrny - fire! When I ask her who made the fire she says, "Mommy".

And, Phil, Adele repeats after me every single letter of the alphabet. I have noticed that her only fauIt in speech is that she can not say "k" or “c". For instance, for candy, she says "tandy" and for cake, "take". I was up at the shoe store to see if the corrective shoes came in, but still no luck, So I hasten to tell you that I can notice no fault whatever with her walking at the present time. However, I shall let her wear this particular pair of corrective shoes and then I hope to get her oxfords. She also counts up to ten, but usually when I say two she follows up with six (those two seem to be her favorite numbers).

Gosh, honey, I could go on for hours talking about Adele and things I want to do, etc. I saw a gorgeous pair of vanity lamps, crystal bases with dubonnet shades and priced them, only to find that the pair would cost $26. And we hesitated to spend $22 - remember? Oh, Phil, darling what I wouldn't give to be able to take you in my arms now and tell you that I adore you and that I am and always will be

Your Eve

9 Sep. 1944 My 


Your V-mail of 30 Aug. arrived this afternoon to brighten up a pretty dull day! This morning, after I cleared up and mopped the Orderly Room, (part of the chores of the CQ), I shifted my bedding to my own bunk and proceeded to catch up on the sleep I missed last night. I had to get up three times during the night. 2:45 to wake the cooks, 5:00 to wake the K.P.'s, and 6:30 to wake the company. I didn’t even bother to undress. This morning I slept from 8:30 to 11:00, when I went to lunch.

This afternoon, just after lunch, we had our weekly "bull session.” The Army calls them “orientation talks". An hour each week is set aside for this, and usually about half the company participates. The idea is to discuss a predetermined subject, but invariably the allotted subject is either pretty dry, or a dead issue, so we discuss anything and everything we happen to be interested in. Today, for a change, we had a "live" subject as a topic: "Demobilization. We discussed the pros and cons of the plan as we read it in the Stars and Stripes, with everyone professing a rather gloomy outlook as to his chances for getting out. It all went pretty smoothly until one of the guys took exception to the fact that married men with dependent children are given consideration over the single men. Usually, at these talks, I manage to get into the discussion. Today, I had made up my mind not to open my trap. But when that guy made that statement, I felt impelled to speak up for my side. Anyhow, while nothing is ever decided at these bull sessions, it was a pretty lively discussion, and I, for one, enjoyed it. 

Your letter started off with the complaint that my mail subsequent to the 20th Aug, was overdue. I guess you know by now, Sweet, that there just wasn’t any for about six days after that - and why. Hope the news I gave in my next made up for all those mail-less days.

You tell about buying a flock of new things for the punkin; the table and chair set, new bonnet, jacket, overalls, and sweater. As the benefacted party's father, I feel I owe you some expression of gratitude. Thanks a million, honey! And tell our little hostess (serving coffee hmm!—I might even say "fancy that"!) to wear everything well, and that her daddy will be delighted to sup with her just as soon as he can break away from the more pressing business of the moment.

I expect you'll be making and sending along some pictures of Adele in her new outfit, Baby, and I just want to suggest that you so get into the pictures. Don’t disappoint me this time, Chippie.

Sorry you're experiencing some delay in getting those corrective shoes for her, but I'm glad that we know definitely now that her trouble isn’t serious. Wish I could be there, Baby, ’cause every time I look at those chubby little legs in her pictures, I feel an urge to massage and shape them 
with my own two hands. I'll bet it wouldn't do any harm. Did the doc suggest anything along those lines? Seems to me regular massaging might work some of the extra weight off them and tend to tone up and strengthen the muscles. What do you think, Ev?

Bet you know what's coming next! That's exactly right! Move right up to the head of the class, Evelyn—or better yet, come on over and sit on teacher's knee. Ah yes, massage your legs isn't half bad, either! mmm! where was I? (Better cut out this foolery before I drool all over this nice clean paper.

Now that I've worked myself up into a lather of longing and homesickness, I’d better sign off right here and now. But, gee honey, if I could only—

YOUR Phil 

P.S. Send the candy, etc.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Post #451 - September 8, 1944 Lots of Children are Not Going to Go Back to School Until There is a Definite Decline in Cases and It Pleased Me Mightily that Everyone Goes Out of His Way to Stop In and See You


Sept. 8, 1944

Dearest Phil,

Last night was a killer diller. I was amazed at the way the family conducted themselves, but the trouble is I didn't come in til all the fireworks were over. To begin with my beloved Uncle Morris brought Bessie along as a mouthpiece and in the end my Aunt Sally conked my Uncle Morris on the head with her handbag. My Uncle Morris, naturally, won't agree to an amicable settlement, but the others agreed perfectly. I've begun to appreciate that my Uncle Maxwell and Uncle Harry are "menshon" and that "there is somebody home".

I started this in the office, but didn't have the opportunity to complete it. By the way, sweet, if you will look real close at the picture of me sitting behind Adele, just above my heart you will see the 8th Air Force insignia you sent me. (the pictures I sent you yesterday)

Tomorrow we start to work Saturdays and I intend to work for the next two Saturdays to make up for my two vacations - Labor Day and the Jewish Holidays. After that I'll only go in on a Saturday when there is important work to be done.

Mr. Bellet broke his heart yesterday and gave me a tea strainer for nothing. I was disappointed in him for not giving me a reduction on the chair and table set. I guess his conscience bothered him. I’m going to let him wait for the balance of $5.00.

My appetite has picked up and I expect to put on all those pounds I seem to have lost. Soon as I get the matter of Adele's corrective shoes settled I'm going to start giving her the scarlet fever injections. Have you heard about the epidemic of infantile paralysis that has swept through the state? Lots of children are not going to go back to school until there is a definite decline in cases. There have been something like 200 cases.

Do you know, Sweet, that I haven't been to a movie for two months? I’m going to try to take one in this weekend to sort of break the record.

I’m knocking this off before eating supper so that I may accomplish a few other duties in the house this evening.

Your Aug. bond came in the mail this morning and that was all the mail we had. I had mail two days ago, but I'm anxious to have some mail again. Ain't I awful!

Eisenhower states the war will be over sometime in November. I sort of figured it will be over on Armistice Day, just in time to celebrate Adele's second birthday in a big way. Gosh, honey, it's hard to believe that she will soon be two years old.

Baby, I miss you so much and am so anxious to get my arms around you that - - - 

Suppose we put it this way - I love you very much, honey, and hope that you'll soon be with

Your Eve

8 September 1944

Ev, sweetheart,

Just received your longie of 22 Aug. Toward the end you ask me to write a little more often than the “twice a week" I had been "favoring” you with. Sorry, Sweet, that I couldn’t do any better, but now that I have a little more time for correspondence, I expect to be able to write daily, as of yore. Viz., the last few days.

Your account of Jack's visit, your trips to the Zaslows, Dave's and Hilda's good fortune, the visit of Yale, Shirley and Em, etc. etc. made very cheerful reading, and it pleased me mightily that everyone goes out of his way to stop in and see you.

You mention Petey making pictures of you, Adele and Jack. - Sure would like to see 'em, Baby.

I'm waiting expectantly for Jack's letter about his trip to New York and Philly. Hope he doesn't wait too long to send it off. 

You make much of the fact that Gotham pays Dolly $90 per month (what am I supposed to do—swoon?) but not one word about what interests me far more. Namely, what is Bill doing these days and where is he? Seems like our senses of values still don't coincide, doesn't it, Chippie? I'm equally unimpressed by the fact that Harry expects to be making between $85 and $100 per week shortly. All I can say is - good for him! Believe me, Sweet, I don't envy him one little bit. Let them pile up the shekels back there - I’ll enjoy mine more - you can bet your life on it!

As for that family across the street who lost one of their men in battle, while I sympathize with them, I don't think they are very wise to express the sentiments you attributed to them. Where do they get off condemning everyone and everything because they suffered the same loss as tens of thousands of other American families. They're a disgrace to their boy’s memory, who, I’m sure could he see and hear them, would be heartily ashamed of them. Did they ever stop to think, I wonder, what would have become of them if all the sons and brothers in the country hadn't been willing to sacrifice themselves so that their dear ones might come to no harm? Bitterness is usually born of self-pity, and self-pity, like self-praise - well, you know how the saying goes. Anyhow, I have no respect whatever for people like that.

Tonight I am CQ and I hope to get off a letter or two that I haven’t had time for these past few weeks. Think I’ll write to Milt and Syd, now that I have their addresses. Come to think of it, Syd should be coming home with the first batch, as soon as the war with Germany is over. Also while I think of it, my best love to Uncle Nish, Tante Bosh, Bebe and Miriam.

Haven't done anything today that's even worth writing about, so I guess I’ll just have to call it a letter.

A kiss for your punkin and mine, A fond embrace for you, my Ev, and love to all.

Your Phil

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Post #450 - September 7, 1944 Tonight My Mother and Her Brothers are having a Consultation About the Affairs of My Grandmother and Playing with the Idea of Spending My Leave in London, Now that the Black-Out is Being Lifted


Sept. 7, 1944 

Darling Hubby,

No mail from you today, but I did have a nice v-mail from Milt Brown and my check from S & D. And besides that here are the snaps made while Jack N. was here, I think I look frightfully thin and I'd appreciate if you wouldn't show the snaps in which I appear to the Woolfs, I like the one of Adele in the vestibule of what was once Dr. Gayl's home and we caught her as naturally as one could be caught. I like the one of me, Jack and Adele the best. What do you say, honey?

I called Mike last night and was quite surprised to hear that he had a letter from you. You failed to tell me about it and here I was calling to apologize for you. I'm glad you finally managed to write to him.

I didn't tell you yesterday that I bought another $50 bond with the remains of my allotment check and when I get your Aug. bond and the $100 bond you bought with the money I sent we shall have $925 in bonds. If everything goes alright, sweet, we shall have $1000 in bonds on Oct. 1, for at that time I shall buy another $50 bond and will receive your Sept. bond. However, my goal is not $1000 in bonds, but $1000 in cash. Think I'll make it? I hope so.

I was reading about the possibilities of a GI's getting home once Germany collapses in the paper and they don't exactly make me optimistic. There is even a possibility that you may be sent to the Pacific according to this article. It says that Air Forces and service forces almost in their entirety will be shipped to the Pacific. They also advise that it will be many months before the boys will get home. Guess they don't want us to become any more optimistic than is necessary.

Tonight my mother and her brothers are having a consultation about the affairs of my grandmother and I certainly hope they settle it peacefully. I'm anxious to know about how much of an estate she left, for there ought to be quite a bit what with insurance bank accounts and clear properties.

Ethel is crazy about the sweater-set I made for Stuart and dropped Mom a hint that perhaps I would make another for him on his forthcoming first birthday. I hope I have the opportunity to do so.

Mickey returned my suitcase after her trip to Maine and made me a little sorry I let her borrow it. There is a small piece missing on the inside and it is all beat up. Oh well -

We made a snap of Diana and Goldie with the batch enclosed, but Goldie was anxious to send it home to her folks so you'll just have to wait a little while longer to catch a glimpse of Diana. I thought the snap very good and undoubtedly Goldie will send one along shortly.

Well, honey, I’m writing this early tonight and I have still to get Adele bathed and into bed. It is a bit after eight and Mom is listening to Fleisher. Adele is busy on the porch with her table and chairs and toys. Goldie and Harry went to see Goldie's doctor so that she could have her final after-birth examination. It is unusually cool this evening and I like it that way. How I wish you were draped across the sofa! I love you so much, darling Phil and I'm so anxious to get back to a normal married life! In just a few weeks it will be exactly two years since you left for the Army the second time. God grant that you be with us this time next year and that you will have been with us for some time then. Good night, sweet, I am

Your Eve

7 September 1944

Dearest Chippie,

No mail again today. It rained most of the day, and I got soaked walking to lunch. I spent most of the afternoon drying out by the stove in the Orderly Room. I'm pretty well caught up with my work now, but there are still a few things to be attended to before I get busy on the payrolls. I had meant to take advantage of the "breather" to take a pass, but Sgt. Murphy took off, so I couldn't. Guess the next chance I'll get will be about the 14th or 15th. If I could be sure that Ed would still be at the hospital, I would go out to see him again, but it would be just my luck to get there and find him gone. It is much too long and arduous a trip to warrant taking a chance on. I've been waiting for Harry W. to reply to my last letter asking him to tell me where I can meet him, but I have not heard from him as yet. So, when my next pass comes along, if I have not heard from him, I will probably spend it with Bert and Evelyn. By the way, Chippie, have you written to them yet? I have also been playing with the idea of spending my leave in London, now that the black-out is being lifted and the buzz-bombs have stopped coming over. But I won't go until you release me from my promise, Ev, so how's about it? Mickey Brown has asked me to meet him in Birmingham, but it is so far away that t'd have hardly any time with him before I had to start back.

There isn't much else to talk about, Sweet, except, perhaps, that I learned more about the demobilization plan. From what I can gather, “the priority is the thing.” In other words, it a fellow has a lot of points accrued from service, combat, and dependent children, he has a fair chance to be placed on the “surplus" list whereupon his only worry would be “sweating out” a boat back to the States. Now, the question arises - on what basis will my service time be counted? If my year in the Enlisted Reserve (on which I am currently drawing longevity pay) is also counted as "good time” in computing the points, then I have 3 yrs.-5 mos. service to my credit. This, added to the fact that I have a dependent child, would give me a rather high priority rating. On the other hand, if they do not choose to count that ER time, I will be only a little better off in the ratings than a coupla million other guys, so you see, darling, my chances for being placed on the surplus list depend very largely on that Enlisted Reserve time. As yet, there is no way I can find out about it, but as the thing develops, I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, don't give up all hope of an early reunion, 'cause I can imagine a few eventualities that could, if they materialized, bring me home before too many months have passed. Let's just hope for the best, Chippie, and try to be patient as we are able—shall we?

My dearest love to you and the lass, darling. My love to all.

All ways and always, 
Your Phil

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Post #449 - September 6, 1944 Adele has Finally Cut All Her Teeth—Hooray and There is a Reason—A Good One—That Even I Cannot Tell You


Sept. 6, 1944

Dearest Phil,

Today I received yours very lovingly of Aug. 31st. I'm very happy to know that you doubled your quota and I'd like to know who won the long distance telephone call. Your letter was awfully sweet and made me feel good. I guess I should write to the Woolfs, but I'm afraid I'd have to write them a letter and send it addressed to you. If I find time to write before I hear from you that is how I shall send it. I have very little opportunity to shop during the week, but on Saturday I shall scan the neighborhood for pyrex bottles and nipples and perhaps some candy for you, though I'm not too happy about sending candy along since I've heard that you “gained weight".

I forgot to mention yesterday that we had a letter from Maxie Brown and that he, too, is now in France. He said he was sorry he didn't get the opportunity to see you and he "guessed it would have to wait til the war was over."

You asked me in this letter not to be mad at you for not writing. I’m not mad, honey, but how would you feel if you didn't get mail for about 12 days? Even though, in my heart, I know you are alright, it still annoys me no end not to have mail from you. I had so little mail from you last month that I couldn't help writing as I did.

In the letters I received yesterday you mentioned whether I remember Ace. Yes, Phil, I remember him well. I'm sorry but I don't ever remember his coming to 4906, but I do remember a particular Memorial Day when six fellows and I (the only girl) went to Delaware Park for the races. Do you recall that day? It poured later in the day and my white chubby and large white straw hat were almost ruined. Yes, I remember very well how you used to warm my toesies - I wouldn't mind if you were right here now to do something of the sort to me.

Adele has finally cut all her teeth - Hooray. Phil, it is remarkable how overnight (or so it seems) she knows everything. We can actually carry on a conversation with her. This morning I said something to her and imagine my surprise at her reply, which was "Yes, indeed". I always comb her hair in the upsweep now with a part down the back of her head and she looks very, very sweet and demure with it that way. You know, dear, that the quality that I dislike most of Adele's pictures is that constant reference you make to her "fatness". Phil, she isn't fat at all. In fact she’s just about right. She is well rounded and not as soiid as she appears. That is why I'm so anxious for you to see her! Just recently everyone was complaining that she looked thin. Can you imagine! They are too used to remembering her as a chubby little thing and can't see her any other way. I prefer her to be just a little chubby, cause when they start to grow in height they usually become very skinny and if she has enough weight that won't happen. But I've just about reached the end of another missive, so I'll close now Phil dear, with all my fondest love and a long, long kiss from

Your Eve

6 September 1944

My Darling,

Today brought a lull in my activities, and I didn't do much of anything, It also brought a letter from Eddie, dated the 31st August, in which he implies that nothing definite has been decided by the hospital authorities as to the disposition of his case. He also said that he is writing home very infrequently. There is a reason for this that you may not understand, but I want to impress on you that there is a reason—a good one—that even I cannot tell you. So, no matter if he does not write at all, you must rest assured that he is perfectly well, or will be soon, that he was not hurt in any way while he was in France, and that there is good reason to hope that he may be coming home soon. All you, (and I mean the family as well) must do is to wait patiently as you are able 'til that happy day, and thank God that he has been spared you, I might also add that it would be a very good idea if you at home wrote to him frequently, regardless of the sparsity of his letters. He needs, most of all, encouragement and re-assurance—give him plenty of both.

There was also another midget edition of the Bulletin, sent along by Dottie. But there was no letter from you, my sweet. Somehow, everything looks much brighter and I am in a happier frame of mind when there is a new letter of yours to be read and re-read.

This evening, I went to the first show to see Joel McCrea and Betty Field in "The Great Moment.” It was more educational than entertaining, but what's bad about being educated?

On returning from the movies, I was just in time to hear the radio give out with a general outline of the demobilization plan as made public this afternoon. I don't know all the details, Sweet, nor will they be published before Germany surrenders, (or is over-run, which is more likely), I but from what I heard, I got the impression that the procedure is eminently fair. Doubtless, there will be hitches of one kind and another, but we must realize that they cannot be helped. The main thing is that the whole program is intended to let out those men first who have the greatest right to be out first, How this will affect me personally, I cannot even guess at this stage of the game, but it is good to know that steps are being taken to let some of us out. I'll talk more about this as I learn more about the plan and what disposition will be made of “1807." It may be a long, drawn-out process, honey, so I must caution you to keep your patience well in hand. When you are inclined to feel dispirited or discouraged, give a thought to all those wives who no more have even the consolation of waiting for their men, consider yourself fortunate that you are not one of those, just as I consider myself very lucky that I am still able to look forward to an eventual reunion with all my loved ones.

There isn't much else to say right now, Baby, so I'll say good-night for the time being. God keep you all well, and keep me safe for you. I live only for the opportunity and the privilege of bringing you every happiness I can as husband, father and son. And if that sounds a bit too dramatic for your taste, it is nonetheless, no more than the simple truth, believe me. I am

As ever,
Your Phil 

Eddie address in case you've mislaid it.
Cpl. Edw. J. Paller- 33782822 
Detachment of Patients 
4174 U.S. Army Hosp. Plant
APO 121, U.S. Army

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Post #448 - September 4, 1944 I Only Tell You This to Cushion the Shock and to Prepare You for Another Period of Waiting Should I Ship to the Pacific Theatre


4 September 1944

Dearest Sweetheart,

Just pulling out from under the pile of work, and hope to resume my old habit of writing every day now. Couldn’t write last night ’cause I had to straighten out my foot locker, barracks bags, and get my laundry ready. I haven't received any mail these past two days, so I think I’ll hunt out your last few letters and answer those. First, though, I'll tell you something of what I have been doing. Yesterday, Danner and I cleaned up what work remained on the war bond forms. In the afternoon, I wrote up the Company History, I've already told you how I occupied myself in the evening. Today, I turned in the war bond forms and the money to the Finance Dept. and typed up the History and took it down to HQ. This took up all my time today. "Melody Jim" is playing at the base theatre, so, although I had seen it a long time ago in London, I decided I'd like to see it again and went to the first show. It's a swell musical, and I enjoyed it none the less for the fact that it was the second time I was seeing it. After the show, I stopped in at the Aero club, had a coupla cheese sandwiches, a piece of cake, and a coupla cokes. Then I stopped in the lounge long enough to hear the 9 o'clock news on the radio. Evidently, the war over here is just about finished. The papers harp on the fact that the Wehrmacht is disorganised and depleted to the point where it is impossible for them to offer any real resistance to the mighty Allied Armies rolling in on them from all directions. I wish, sweet, that I could look forward to going home after the war over here is over, but I can't allow myself to build up my hopes that way. You see, we have no inkling where we are going from here once the nazis are licked. As long as Japan remains to be beaten, we must consider the possibility that the unit, of which I am a part, may be called on to help in the Pacific theatre. If such an eventuality does come to pass, Chippie, I shall expect you to be as brave and patient as you have been heretofore, so that I may continue to be proud of you. Understand, darling, I am in no way intimating that that is what will happen. I 
only tell you this to cushion the shock and to prepare you for another period of waiting should I ship to the Pacific Theatre. I've learned to take these things calmly, realizing that railing against the fates can in no way get me home any sooner. Let us continue to hope, then, that I will come home after the war in Europe is finished, but to keep in mind that it must not necessarily be so.

Sorry, Sweet, but it is almost time for lights out, and I won't get to answer your letters after all. Tomorrow, I expect I'll have more time. I'll try to write a real "longie" then. Until then—Au revoir, my lovely. Remember, dearest, you are hardly ever out of my thoughts. I adore you. My best love to the cheesecake and to all the folks. I am

Your loving husband,

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Post #447 - August 30, 31, 1944 Not So Long Ago Things Were Mighty Different and I Never Believed They Would Change So Much and I Sold Exactly $2085.00 Worth of Bonds in a Few Hours After We Got Paid


Aug. 30, 1944

My Darling,

No mail from anyone today and we’re getting sort of worried about Eddie. Gee, how I wish we would hear from him. I can't understand why I haven't had mail from you either, as my last letter was dated Aug 20th and since my mail is always five days old - well -

In yesterday's letter I asked you whether I should buy a chair and table set for Adele. I guess you'd better not bother to give your opinions, sweet, for today I bought the set. Adele simply adores it. My mother has set of metal toy dishes and a coffee pot and cups and saucers and Adele made me sit in the other chair while she poured me a cup of coffee. Yes, dear, even I can fit in those tiny chairs! We were playing house this evening. It's a solid set and I shall try to take snaps of Adele with it so that you may see what it looks like.

As if that weren't enough I also bought the following today: A stunning outfit for Adele consisting of a lovely red corduroy bonnet ($2.49) a red corduroy sports jacket and red corduroy overalls; a lovely blue sweater with tyrolean flowers embroidered on it. The jacket and overalls were $5 and the sweater $3. The table and chair set was $7.75, but I am going to pay that out a dollar a week as I am broke for the first time since I started to work. I also bought Fay’s kid a belated birthday gift - a good-looking royal blue jersey suit that Fay rather liked. That cost me $2.

All this started because I finally managed to find a ration stamp in one of my mother’s books and headed for Broad St. to order Adele’s corrective shoes. When I arrived at the shoe store, after rushing like hell, I learned from a sign posted on the door that they are closed on Weds. during July and Aug. So I'll have to go up there again tomorrow. On my way over I stopped in to see Anne and learned that Tony is now in France, having been in England for only two weeks. Boy, they didn't waste any time getting him into the thick of it!

Mom is still away at Browns Mills and we are managing very nicely with Goldie doing all the cooking. Her brother came today to pay her a visit and will be here for a day or so.

The new outfit is Adele's most flattering to date. I sincerely hope you'll have the opportunity to see her in it before the Spring weather sets in. It makes me feel very good to know that our daughter can have the things we always wanted her to have. Gosh, honey, not so long ago things were mighty different and I never believed they would change so much. Now if only you'd come home so that we could live our lives normally—some day, sweet, and I don’t think it's very far off, at least I hope not. I adore you, my darling Phil and want very much to give expression to my feelings of love. Baby, I'm just starved for the sight of you! Good night, baby, I'm always

Your Eve

Aug. 31, 1944

Dearest Phil,

It is close to a week that I haven't had mail again and I'm mighty anxious to get home to see if there was any this morning. I have a hunch there was and I can hardly contain myself. Gosh, honey, I sure do miss hearing from you regularly. It's bad enough not to see you, let alone not hearing from you.

I went to Broad St. this morning to try to get Adele shoes, but no dice. They don't even expect to have any shoes for a few weeks. Guess she'll just have to wait (after all that).

Dot called me early this morning to tell me two things - that Snuff is at Camp Claiborne, La. and that she bought herself a new winter sports coat. She still doesn't know what sort of outfit he's in, but I have an idea it's Engineers. If you will recall, Jack Nerenberg was first stationed at Camp Claiborne. We'll know soon enough.

I saw a lovely snowsuit outfit for Adele this morning and would like to get it. However, I'm sort of in a hole and will have to wait awhile before I spend any more money. It is a beige and teal blue combination, teal blue leggings and a beige jacket with collar and cuffs and pockets trimmed with teal blue. Besides the trimming it has some tyrolean flowers on it. A beige bonnet finishes off the outfit and they also have a lovely teal blue pocketbook. The suit is $13.50, the bonnet $1.50 and I don't know the price of the bag. Gee, sweet, I certainly would enjoy shopping for those things with you and I certainly hope it won't be long before we will go together. Every time I see something I'm more than anxious to know what you would think of it. I'm sure you'll adore her new red corduroy outfit and new chair and table set. I'm thinking of buying decalomanias and transplanting them onto the chairs and table for her to give her something else to interest her, not to mention how much it would add to the set.

I think the snaps I took with Jack N. should be ready by next Wed. and you can bet your boots I'll send them right along for you to see.

My cold lingers on, but I think it's breaking now. I had kept as far away from Adele as I could so as not to give it to her, and I thought she had symptoms of a cold last night, but this morning she seemed to be alright. It is two weeks since she started to cut her upper two teeth and so far only one has put in an appearance. She puts her fingers in her mouth, points to her gums and teeth and says, "Mommy, hurts".

Upon my arrival home I was sorely disappointed to find no mail whatever. However, the news just makes one glow with optimism, so I can't be disappointed for long, Honestly, sweet, I do hope it hasn't been necessary for you to skip writing often. I have to skip now and then too, but for the most part I write daily.

Goldie went to the movies for the first time since she had Diana with her brother. I don't think Mom will be back from Browns Mills much before Sept. 13th. That is when Ethel is coming back.

Nothing else in the way of news, dear, except the very old, but still very new, I love you, Phií, darling, and am always your loving


31 August 1944


The last day of August was a good one for me in more ways than one. In the first place, it was pay-day. In the second place, I sold exactly $2085.00 worth of bonds in a few hours after we got paid. This is more than was sold in the whole month of August, and we have more than doubled our quota. I can't help but feel proud of the way the boys in the company responded in this drive. And last, but far from least, four of your letters arrived in a bunch today. They were your typed letters of 18th and 19th August, and V-mails of 23rd and 24th. I think you should know by now how very welcome they are. Yesterday was another very busy day for me. The evening was spent writing a long overdue letter to Limey. As you know, Sweet, I had a letter from him a little more than a week ago, asking me where he could meet me. The fact that I haven't had the opportunity to answer him is eloquent proof of how very full my days have been here of late. I could have answered him much sooner were I not so very anxious to answer Ed's summons. This precluded my reply to him for three days, and last night was really the first opportunity I had had to do so since I returned. I'm hoping that he'll be able to meet me in the near future. Did I tell you I wrote to Ed the night before? I'm expecting to hear from him in a few days, too. Today was really a killer, what with paying off, selling bonds, and finishing up the checking of the Service Records, and I'm pretty weary, but I am CQ again tonight, so I thought I'd knock out a letter before I hit the hay. In one of your letters, darling, because you had not received mail from me in five or six days, you urge me to “go out of (your) way a little bit" to write more often. In the next letter you say you received three of my letters. Please, Chippie, never scold me for not writing. When I do fail to write, you may be very sure there is very good reason for it. For instance, last week I missed writing for six whole days (and I can just imagine what you are going to say about that), but when you get my letter explaining why I couldn't write, you'll realize that there is always a reason. Now let's see what other comments your letters bring forth, shall we? Okay. Your 18 August letter advises me that the 20th August was Lil's birthday. I'm disappointed in you, Chippie. You usually give me more notice than that when somebody's birthday is coming up. However, I'm not sure I want to write to her before she condescends to answer my last letter to her, which she chose to ignore in spite of all my apologies and attempts to get into her good graces once more. Nice of you to get that slip for her, Baby. Glad the heat wave finally broke. I don't think you'll be bothered that way anymore this year. Maybe next year I'll be there to wipe your brow - I hope. Remember the swell remedy I had for warming up your toes when they got very cold? I hadn't thought about it for a long, long time. Talking about wiping your brow recalled it to me. Better not say you don't remember, 'cause I'll never forgive you if you've forgotten, Chippie. From what you say about the punkin, I gather that she has made an impression even on her blasé Mommy. When YOU start to sing her praises, that's when I start to prick up my ears. Your claim that you know "exactly where I am kinda surprised me. I thought you knew all along. Sorry you're having trouble finding some Pyrex bottles for Evelyn, but keep looking, honey, and if you don't have any luck, I certainly would like you to send along something nice for Nigel together with a letter like the first one you sent the Toppy's, (or was it the Benises?). I wish, Sweet, you could know Ev and Bert, they are such swell guys. Oh yes, it just struck me that Evelyn is at her wit's end for the means of obtaining nipples for the baby's bottles, and she told me to tell you she would be eternally grateful to you if you could send her some. Your closing paragraph in this one is very sweet, darling, and I want to kiss you for each tender word. But I'm just too tired and sleepy to continue with this tonight, so I'll have to let the other letters go unanswered until tomorrow. It is just 11 o'clock and I am remembering how heavenly it was having you cuddled up on my lap, and how sweetly exciting were your kisses, and how thrilling the feel of your velvet thighs, and how all these enchantments were the most precious things in life to me - and still are. My dreams, by day and night, are full of the adored memory of you, my darling; nor will I really live again until those dreams are once more blessed reality. Until then, I'll make do with the memories. My dearest love to my punkin. Love to all from


Aug. 31, 1944

Dear Phil

I know I have neglected you these past few weeks, but you will have to accept my apologies. What I have really been waiting for was to see where Snuff would be sent. Right now he is at Camp Claybourne, Louisiana. Of course, that is for his basic training.

Snuff was at New Cumberland for over a week, so he came home on a week-end pass. He really looks nice in his uniform.

Everyone here is fine and up to now the weather has been like October. Today it started to get hot again.

Spoke to Evie, but she has been rather busy. As soon as I get a chance, I intend to go up there and spend the day.

I bought a stunning winter coat yesterday. It is moss green and is semi-sport. It is gathered in the back and has a belt in the front. There are trench pockets on the hips with a small gold button on each pocket. It is gathered on the shoulders with a gold button on each shoulder.

You know, Phil, I really didn't expect to miss Snuff this much when he went away, cause I have been expecting it for so long. I feel so terribly lonesome. If, after he finishes his training, he is sent somewhere nice I would like to follow him. The baby is older now and it wouldn't be too hard. If I don't follow him, I would like to go back to work, but then I would have to put him in a nursery. They don't take them under 2 yrs. so I would have to wait until Jan. Of course, I shall wait until I see what happens.

Right now I'm listening to “Suspense” with Brian Donlevy and it is really interesting.

I hope everything is alright with you. You must be pretty busy right now, but please drop me a line.

Ev told me that after awhile you get used to the lonesome feeling, but who wants Snuff to be away long enough for me to get used to it!

There isn't much more I can say right now except write soon.

As ever,

Aug. 31, 1944

Dear Phil:

Did you make it back alright? I hope you did. How have you been since I last saw you? I'm really so darn confused that I don’t know how to start this letter.

I hope you have written home to the folks about me for l alone can not express my feelings. I have not heard from anyone in quite sometime although they haven’t heard from me. Every time I sit down to write a letter and even when I don’t, my mind is forever wandering. Want to take time and tell you it was swell of you to come see me.

The weather here hasn’t been very good. I guess you have the same. Well Phil, take good care and till I think up more to write, I remain

Faithfully Yours

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Post #446 - August 28, 1944 Adele Even Managed to Bite Norma’s Hand and I Believe That the One Thing That Kept Ed From Giving Way Completely Over There in France Was His Great Sense of Humor.


Aug. 28, 1944 

Darling Phil,

I feel unusually good this evening and it's due entirely to the fact that I received two rather lengthy letters from you, sweet. They were those of 19 and 20 Aug. You go into detail about the party to celebrate your year overseas and then thank me for responding to your call for bonds. I wouldn't be too critical or disappointed in your side of the family, dear, for both Harry and Goldie said they wanted to buy a bond, to make the desired impression. I told Goldie that the money would have to be ready immediately, but she never did get it ready and I didn't want to go out of my way to bother them for it. After all, if they were that anxious to get a bond I'm sure they could have given me the money immediately. Don't you? A few days before Mom went to Browns Mills she, too, said to me that she was sorry she hadn't given me money for a bond too. That's the trouble - it's always too late. However I wouldn't feel badly about it, honey. As long as it is on their minds it shows that they are conscious of someone else's feelings.

And another reason for my feeling so good. As you know I have lots of housework and each morning, night or weekend finds me trying to get something done. I hadn't had the opportunity to wash the kitchen floor, which was really filthy, so imagine my surprise when I came home this evening to find it sparkling. Yep - Goldie washed it. Well, honey, that really made me feel good. You know, dear, I think they are really awake at last. I didn't want to tell you this, but since she did go out of her way to do it and I feel very good about it I'll tell you. When I went back to work Harry made a terrible stink, exactly like the one when we went to Columbus and I don't have to tell you how I felt. However, he has changed immensely since Diana's birth when it comes to realizing someone else's position (with a child) and he is more understanding. If you live long enough, honey, you live to see and feel everything I guess. At any rate, I know this much - I want to live in my own house some day - alone with you and our family (Mom).

Your letter of the 20th was very sweet, and I wished very much that you [were] close at hand that I might give vent to some of the loving feelings that surged forth. You asked me to give you more details as concerns my thoughts of "us". No, Phil, I never have a vague picture in my mind (did you mean me - who is so meticulous about minute details). I won't go into detail at the moment, dear, for I have many things to tell you and want to get them all said. Remind me to tell you more about them sometime. I've always been frank with you, Phil, where anything, even sex, has been concerned. I could never find fault with our sex life and when I did you did remedy it. Truthfully there is very little about you, sweet, that I can find fault with and I say that more as a friend than as your wife. Of course, being your wife does influence me to some degree in that I like the way you think and so to me it is right. I'll tell you something about you that I heartily dislike - your constant drinking of bicarb. Do you think you'll ever really break that habit? Some day I intend to help you break it by watching your diet carefully, I honestly feel it is inclined to be mental with you a good part of the time, but we'll save it for when you come home and I can do something about it.

When I bawled you out for not writing cause you weren't in the mood I meant it. I can't rightfully think of a time I'm not in the mood to write to you. I'm sure, sweet, that you do not become half as tired as I do during the course of a day and when I say it is actually an effort for me to write, I mean, that, too. It isn't that I'm not in the mood - it's just that I'm too tired physically to exert myself further. But I've been doing it all along - if I wouldn't you wouldn't be getting mail from me so regularly. Most people have marveled at my ability to do so. When I said I wasn't in the mood it was due mostly to the fact that I was exceptionally tired and meant to relax at the cost of  a letter. You can count on my being frank to you, even though it may hurt you,

You must know by now that I told Jack of my true reactions. You surprised me by feeling the way you do. I told you that I, too, can see mixed marriages, but not for Jack. I don't know whether I told you or not, but her family is dead set against Jack and he is well aware of the difficulties such a marriage would bring about. However, I'd rather leave all details up to him and I'm sure he will tell you everything, as he usually does,

Betty's brother is going to be discharged. He's the only one that isn't happy about it.

As I told you in my last letter I finally visited Mike and Frances. Both Adele and I had a long nap Sunday afternoon and it was rather late when we finally left the house. I wore the red and white print (the one you remembered so well in today's letter) and Adele wore that little blue dress she is wearing in her C. P. picture. Adele also wore her blue and white bonnet. We took the 47 and the 43 and both cars literally crept along. We got out to Mike’s at 5 P.M. and he met us. Immediately after I had said hello to Frances (she was feeding Norma when we arrived) Mike hustled me and Adele outside, along with a little boy (a blond fellow with blue eyes and an adorable face) who was adopted by one the neighbors and was visiting baby Norma, to make our moving pictures (the ones he had promised). He said that these were in natural color so I certainly hope you will be able to get hold of an 8 m.m. projector and that we can send the film along. I made Adele hug and kiss the little boy in one scene. In another I'm on my knees in the grass with Adele and Tommy. In still another Adele is picking a morning glory (the grounds about the apartment house are lovely). The apartment house itself must easily be a hundred years old. The doors themselves reach from floor to celling. It's a small place, but very cozy. It's nicely furnished and nicely kept. Mike must have lost lots of weight for I remember him being heavier. He is very good looking and it shocked me when I noticed that his hair is turning gray. He looks so much like Harry Anapolsky it's uncanny. I can’t really tell them apart. I don't think Frances is more than attractive. There's something (I don't know exactly what it is) that I dislike about her. She's a good kid though and made me feel right at home. Norma is a small child and is the image of Mike - but she's not good looking. Funny, isn't it! They had a delicious meal of roast chicken (Mike did the carving) (Frances set up a table in the middle of the living room for the occasion, one of those tables that open out and accommodate quite a few people) succotash, cole slaw and some thing that consisted of wide noodles, fried onions, peppers and tomatoes. We started off with halves of cantaloupes and finished off with an open face apple pie and milk.

Later in the evening Mike ran off a few of his other movies and when he shut the projector off Adele yelled "more". Adele was a regular demon and she did everything but wreck the place. She even managed to bite Norma's hand! I can assure you I didn't relax for a moment, though it is relaxing just to be away from home for a time, I'm going to continue this tomorrow, honey, as it very late and I'm dreadfully tired. I sort of caught a cold (slight runny nose and sore throat) and I'm anxious to sleep it off. More tomorrow, loved one, and in the meantime I adore you, my darling Phil. Night, honey -

Aug. 29, 1944

This is a continuation of yesterday's letter, sweet, My cold isn't much better and it is most annoying. To go on where I left off - Mike took Adele and I to the trolley car. He said to me, "You know, Ev, when I first looked at Adele I thought she was nice enough, but as I keep looking at her she is really pretty". Mike thinks she is the image of you and it surprised me how he recalled your every feature. Adele and I didn't get home til 11:15 and she went right to sleep when I put her in her crib. That is the first time I ever kept her up that late. Adele, by the way, now calls you "Daddy, dear". I wish, honey, that you could hear Adele's rendition of "trolley car and belly button". The first runs something like this: tral tee tar and the latter: bel tee ba tin. I can carry on a regular conversation with her. Those two teeth of hers that I thought had come through are still not out. She points to her guns and says, "Mommy, hurts".

I wore my blue and grey tweed suit to work today, and as usual I wear the insignia you sent me above my heart. No one fails to notice that lovely pin and I'm very fond of it. By the way, more people have stopped me and complimented me on my suit than any other outfit I've ever worn. Most of the men and women in the drive have stopped me to tell me how much they like my suit. I mention it only because it struck me as being a little unusual. On my way to work Monday I stopped off to shop at Gimbels for a few minutes before I caught the el. I almost bought Adele a camel hair coat, legging and bonnet outfit, but I've decided against it in favor of having her set made to order. Most of the outfits I have seen do not have the lines I like. This particular outfit was $20 and was about the nicest I had seen. The reason I didn't take it was due to the fact that the leggings were not the type I desire and would be clumsy as anything on her. I didn’t get an opportunity to go to the ration board for the ration stamp, though I did call. They informed me that the party who okays the stamps does not come in every day (only Wed) and they would have had to mail it to me anyway. As it stands now I expect to go up tomorrow morning and get it once and for all.

Mr. Bellet got some nice chair and table sets for kids in and I think I'm going to get one for Adele, The sets cost $7.75 and consists of two chairs and a table. It isn't a fancy set at all, just plain polished wood, very solid and it could take a good beating. The chairs are very nicely made, the arms being made of strips of wood that form a semi-circle (such as the wood which surrounds the mirrors of our bedroom set). I wanted to get her a nicer set (one day when we could go shopping) but I think the chair and table would come in very handy when Ethel takes the high chair. What do you think of all this, honey?

Last night I knitted for about an hour and consequently have part of the sleeves of Adele's white sweater-to-be completed. This morning I sewed the buttons on and when I finish this letter I am going to Fay’s house for she promised to show me how to smock a sweater. (Smock it means to gather certain parts of it together by sewing and I shall smock the sweater with blue wool so that it will match her blue and white bonnet).

Dot called to tell me that she had a telegram from Snuff this evening from St. Louis and he is still traveling. Guess he's headed for the west coast - er sumpin'.

Still no mail from Eddie. The Wymans had another telegram from the War Dept. telling them that Harry is convalescing and is okay. Sorry, honey, but this must end off here as I haven't time to start another page this evening. I've left enough space to tell something I never tire of telling you - that I love you dearly and always will. I am

Your Eve

28 August 1944 

Dearest Darling,

Sorry I couldn't tell the whole story in my last and the censor returned the post cards to me to cut out the place names on them. I'm enclosing them here. To get on with the story - I've already told you that I spent all day Friday with Ed, and that I slept in the other bunk in his room that night. In the morning, we had breakfast together, and then he walked me up the road to where I was to catch the 8:20 bus to town. I really hated to leave him so soon because I felt that my presence had done him a world of good. He confessed to me that it was the first time he had laughed aloud, or even smiled, since he came back. As a matter of fact, we both laughed quite frequently during the course of the day. I believe that the one thing that kept Ed from giving way completely over there in France, was his great sense of humor. It is almost impossible. to overestimate the value of this quality when one is immersed in the grim business of war. As long as a man can laugh, or derive some amusement, or appreciate the irony to be found in hardship and danger and the sight of death, there is very little danger of "cracking up” seriously. Ed can talk about it all quite rationally now, and even points out the amusing and ironical side of the story. That is what we were laughing about. He wasn't very happy about my having to leave so soon, bit realized that I had no choice. On parting, he promised to keep in close touch with me. He also gave me some pictures to send home. I haven’t, had time to do so as yet, but I'll try to get them off some time tomorrow. They are the studio pictures, some of which he has already sent home. Well, Chippie, it was a pretty tough trip back to camp. I got into town too late to catch the first train and had to wail 2-1/2 hours for the next one. I bought the morning papers, found an Allied canteen, and killed the time reading up on the news. The liberation of Paris made interesting reading, and all the news was most encouraging. It was a lovely morning, and I decided to get some air, so I browsed about the town which is perched on the side of the mountains we had been admiring from the hospital in the valley. Evidently, the people who live there are very well-to-do, because I passed one beautiful old estate after another. The houses are old and ivy-covered and very large, and the grounds, hedges etc., are very well kept. Waiting on the station platform, I got into conversation with two young English civilians. Yes, they have 4-Fs over here, too. We talked about the early days of the war, the "blitz,” and the current good news. The train finally arrived, jammed to the doors, but the crowd waiting at the station crammed themselves in anyway, I among them. The crush was so bad that I couldn't help wondering what the inducement was that drove everybody to jam themselves into the train for the long ride to London. The sight of mothers standing all the way with infants in arms, made me slightly sick. So, for five hours, I stood shifting my weight from one leg to the other. The English landscape was very attractive in the bright sun, but I’m afraid I was too tired to really enjoy it. I arrived in London feeling like the last rose of summer. I was weary and starved. Not bothering to inquire after the next train back, I headed for the Eagle Club to freshen up and eat. Having disposed of these necessities, I went to the desk to inquire about my train. The clerk told me the next one was scheduled to leave Liverpool Street Station at 6:22. It was just 6:05 when I looked at my watch, so I made a wild dash for the U.G., got stuck in a queue at the ticket window, and reached the station at exactly 6:23. Ordinarily, the trains are a little late arriving and pulling out. Never yet have I known one to be on time, so you can imagine how I felt when I learned that my train had just pulled out - 6:22 sharp. If there had been any point in it, I would have thrown a fit right then and there. Under the circumstances, I could do nothing but swallow my aggravation and wait for the next train - 8:45. Being at a loss for the means to kill the next 2-1/2 hours, I bought an evening paper, strolled out on the street, sat down on a low wall near a decrepit-looking character, and proceeded alternately to read and to watch the bustling traffic of the busy thoroughfare. Thank God, the weather was nice, 'cause it wasn't too bad sitting there and watching London go by. The rest of the trip back to camp was uneventful. I got a seat on the train this time, a truck from this station was waiting to take us back to camp, and I arrived in my hut at exactly 12:00 midnight, tired, but happy to be back.

I found quite a bit of work waiting for me in the morning (Sunday), and I was busy all day. In the evening, I wrote that letter. It took ’til 11 o’clock, when thad to cut it short.

Today (Monday) has been another busy one for me, but in the afternoon, your letter of the 14th that you dictated to Dottie, arrived, together with one from brother Jack. No mail from you, or anyone, had arrived all the while I was away, but there were two packages of candy waiting for me. They were the box of Oh Henry's, Peanut Chews and Suchard Chocolates, and the box of Fifth Avenue bars. Surprisingly, they got here in very good condition, in spite of the heat. Thanks a million, Sweet, for taking the trouble to send them along. You may rest assured that I will enjoy eating them.

There really isn't anything that calls for comment in your letter, although you might tell Dot that it wasn't difficult at all to pick out her comments, so I'll sign off for now with all my love. Eddie's love and mine to all the family. A long, lingering kiss for you, darling, and a big hug and kiss for Madamoiselle Cheesecake - yes, I mean our very own punkin, God bless her fat little legs. See you tomorrow, honey. I am

Your adoring

28 August 1944

Dear Phil,

Just a few words to let you know I’m alright and didn’t forget about you. I hope this letter finds you in the best of health. I’m now somewhere in France and now it makes our meeting impossible until this war is over and then we can all get together for a good time. We are living in pup tents and had K and C rations for the past 10 days and yesterday we started to have regular meals. It was good to get a hot meal and since it was Sunday we had chicken. No more news and write soon.

Your cousin,