Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Post #286 - February 4, 1944 I Sent the Benises a Letter and A Letter from Eddie Paller


February 4, 1944


Yours of 27 Jan. (v-mail) informed me of your desire for Halvah. I'll try my best to get some, for it is scarce. Jack N. sent me your letter as he could not find your address. He stated that he preferred to have you tell me the contents rather than have me read it. Looks like he's “gone” again, hook, line and sinker. 

I sent the Benises a letter. I'll write to the Toppys later as I don't care to start a fresh, outburst. I also wrote to Jean Levin and Jack N. last night. 

Adele said “sh” every time she had to go today. When she finishes, I pat her and kiss her. Today, she didn't wait til I did—she patted herself for being so good. When I put her to sleep this afternoon I went over to the yarn shop to secure my instructions and the wool for Mom’s sweater. Mom’s sweater will be made with a stitch I've never done before. It's hard to explain, but it has a ridge effect with a flower like twist. The girl at the shop had never seen Adele's blue outfit completed, so I showed her that particular snap I like so well. She liked it immensely and asked my permission to display the snap on the wall as a sort of example of her instructions. It received many favorable comments while I was there. I have to make up a few more as I don't have a one on hand. 

I’m enclosing the other 8 snaps and all my love. 

Your Eve 

P.S. Sorry this has to be so short. I have loads of pressing and want to finish tonight. Today is exactly 6 months since you were “home.” I laughed myself silly over Jack's letter—it's that cute. “Hya beautiful” I love you!

P.S. ”Jr.“ I’ll positively take your advice and send a package monthly. I intended to do so anyway. Harry and Goldie sent off a package to Harry Wyman, of tuna, sardines, etc. Would you like something like that? Harry S., by the way, is presently on the night shift and spends his whole day in town betting on the ponies. 

P.P.S. Is my mail to you censored? This pen is a pain. Ruth got a nice one for 59 cents and I'll get one, too. 

February 4, 1944

Dear Phil,

Received your letter the 31st of Jan. so if you figure it out, it took six days for your letter to reach me. You probably have returned from London a little downhearted because I wasn’t there, so here’s the answer. Our outfit cannot get any transportation on weekends such as Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I’m just writing back because I tried ever since Monday to get a pass.

I received your letter of Dec. 6th on Jan. 13th, just one day after you was supposed to go to London. We had just returned from training, so that’s why it took so long. What rotten luck! I’m getting pretty disgusted, you setting dates and me not being able to meet you. How long are your passes? Ours is good for 36 hours. We usually (always) stay at the Hans Crescent Club, so how about the 16th or 17th of February? I’d be able to meet you there again. You should have time to write back before the 17th of February, so hurry and let me know which day (date). I must hear from you before the 17th. Any day except Friday, Sat. and Sunday. Remember, I’m just as anxious to meet you as you are to meet me. I’m sure it will make both our hearts lighter and morale better. Something I forgot. When we get our 36 hour passes, we start out at 8 in the morning and usually get in London about 1 or 2. Some of the boys from our outfit have been in London already, and they told me.

Haven’t heard from anybody in the last five days, but today I heard from all. Eve keeps writing and wants to know if we met. I’m fine and well, hope you are, too.

Write back the day you receive this letter, else it may be too late. I am hoping we will get together shortly. (Write back in a flash.)

As Ever,
Your brother-in-law