Dec. 2, 1944
My Darling,
Your letter of Nov. 13th came through this morning, informing me of your intention to see Harry W. and that you expect to take furlough. By the way, does this furlough decrease your chances for a furlough back to the States? Just curious?
Today, though the sun shone brightly, it was positively freezing out. It was the sort of cold you just can't stand for more than a minute at a time. Even in the sun, which was as bright as ever, it was freezing.
I worked my usual four hours, shopped for some pretzels, potato chips, etc. for Adele's party tomorrow and came directly home. I stopped at a neighborhood store to get Adele some warm underwear and the only thing they had was some panties. I paid 59¢ for one pair of panties and I'm sort of shocked at the size, which is size 8. They fit her perfectly. Of course, panties run in funny sizes, but that seems like such a large size to me. I'm very much in need of undershirts for her and Fay has promised to go into Blauner’s with me some evening so that I may buy all the little things I need for Adele, at the 20% discount. Those "little" items, sure do cost!! I also need socks, jerseys, sleepers and a few more little things.
As you know, tonight is the party for Richy. No one wants to go cause it is too cold, but I'm anxious to see Richy and so I'm going. I called Emma and we are going together. Tell you all about it tomorrow and all about the party, providing I get the opportunity to write. If not, well, I'll write all about it on Monday.
I'm going up to get dressed and I am going to wear my new lemon yellow dress. Gee, but I wish you were going along with me! I hate to go anywhere alone. Snuffy is coming in for the weekend for the last time, for he expects to ship out next week. I'm sorry they can't get up here for the party, for I feel very much as if they will be missing. It's funny how close we've gotten!
And now, honey, I must run, if I'm to go to the party at all. I intend to get back early, for I want to be rested tomorrow. I love you so much, baby, and I get particularly blue when I must dress up and go out without you. Good night, darling, I am and just love being
Your Eve
Dearest Evie,
After another busy day, I went to the first show. That just about covers “my day" today. The picture was "Ministry of Fear", with Ray Milland and Marjorie Reynolds. It was a good, suspenseful, spy story. I enjoyed it very much. Then, a bite at the Snack Bar, and back here to my hut to write this. I have a stack of your letters, that arrived within the last few days, to answer; and because it's rather late, I may not finish tonight, but I'll write as much as I have time for, and finish up tomorrow.
The earliest letter is dated 6 Nov. Here goes: I learned, right off the bat, that Vicki Paula was born on 5 Nov. I've already mailed off a letter to Etta and Nat. You say that you feel better for having written that “longie” of 5 Nov. I'm glad for that, anyway, honey. It does pays sometimes, to get things off your chest. I only hope my letter in reply causes you no more aggravation, las I fear it might). You say you wrote to Gloria on the 5th. I received one from her today - also dated 5 Nov.! That's what I would call reciprocation with a vengeance! By the way, what's the opposite of a “vicious circle”? The rest of this particular letter requires no comment.
Your contribution on the 7th begins with the good news that Snuffy was scheduled to go to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Now, that's what I would call a swell break. It just so happened that his letter informing me of the same happy circumstance arrived by the same post. He also told me how good it was to have Dotty with him. I am glad for both of them. Your second paragraph informed me that you had voted for the first time, and for F.DR., at that! That's getting off on the right foot all right, all right! In reply to your query, I can say "You bet I voted - way before election day, by absentee ballot.” You didn't finish this letter on the 7th, but continued it on the 8th, at which time you express your satisfaction that Pres. Roosevelt was re-elected. You were right in assuming that I was happy about the whole thing, too. Your next sentence made me start, It informed me that Eddie S. "is now in France.” When I think how close I came to traveling way out to Wales to see him, not knowing that he was in France, I'm grateful that circumstances prevented it. Maybe I'll see him in Paris in the spring - maybe - who knows? - So now you're doing book-keeping, too! Well, well, seems there's no end to your versatility, honey. The last few paragraphs are devoted to telling me how badly you feel about the slow delivery of my letters. I'm sorry, Sweet, but just keep your chin up, it'll catch up with you eventually. That's about all I have time for tonight, darling, so I'll just wish you a fond good night, for the time being. I love you very much, Ev, dearest. A kiss for Adele.
3 December 1944
Hello again, darling! I don't care much for a “serial" letter such as this one is, but sometimes one has no choice.
I was very busy all day today. What with "Soldier's Deposits, Company History, and a few other things, I had my hands full. "Dumbo" is at the base theater tonight, but I passed it up for a nap between 5:00 and 7:30. I was tired! Today's mail brought your V-mail of 14 Nov, telling me that Eddie is home at last - well, near home, anyway, I'm awaiting further details. But let's get on with answering the rest of your mail - I hope! Let's see now - the next letter was started on 9 Nov. when you wrote three short paragraphs at work. Then you didn’t get to write ’til the next day. That was the day you visited Lil to deliver her birthday gift. The powder sample I had requested was enclosed in this letter. I think it has a lovely odor. Il now reposes in my wallet, next to that lock of Adele's hair that you sent me last year. Thanks, Baby. You closed with a query about how V-1 and V-2 "effect" us. What you probably meant, Sweet, was "affected” us. I am permitted to say very little about this, Chippie, but so far they have affected us not at all - as you can plainly see, Nor do I think we have much to fear from either of them here. I have seen and heard quite a number of buzz-bombs, but I can't say under what circumstances. As for V-2, I can say that I wasn't too far away on the one occasion when I heard one explode. That was when I was on my way back to base after seeing the Limey. (Sure would like to know where he is now!) Nothing else in this one to talk about. Next, your V-mail of 12 Nov.
It was all about the party in honor of Vicki Paula. Glad you had such a good time, Sweet, only next time you feel like telling me you had to ride on some male’s lap - please think better of it. I know it is silly of me to mind, but I do. I just squirm at the thought of it. I’m not blaming you, Sweet, for something that is my fault, I’m merely telling you this so that you will think twice before writing in that vein again. I'm very glad that everyone complimented you on your appearance. That, I love to hear.
And now, I'm afraid I must sign off again. It's time for “lights out,” Need I say that I am keeping our “date” at this very moment? My dearest love, Sweet, to you and the punkin. Love to all from
Your Phil
I was very busy all day today. What with "Soldier's Deposits, Company History, and a few other things, I had my hands full. "Dumbo" is at the base theater tonight, but I passed it up for a nap between 5:00 and 7:30. I was tired! Today's mail brought your V-mail of 14 Nov, telling me that Eddie is home at last - well, near home, anyway, I'm awaiting further details. But let's get on with answering the rest of your mail - I hope! Let's see now - the next letter was started on 9 Nov. when you wrote three short paragraphs at work. Then you didn’t get to write ’til the next day. That was the day you visited Lil to deliver her birthday gift. The powder sample I had requested was enclosed in this letter. I think it has a lovely odor. Il now reposes in my wallet, next to that lock of Adele's hair that you sent me last year. Thanks, Baby. You closed with a query about how V-1 and V-2 "effect" us. What you probably meant, Sweet, was "affected” us. I am permitted to say very little about this, Chippie, but so far they have affected us not at all - as you can plainly see, Nor do I think we have much to fear from either of them here. I have seen and heard quite a number of buzz-bombs, but I can't say under what circumstances. As for V-2, I can say that I wasn't too far away on the one occasion when I heard one explode. That was when I was on my way back to base after seeing the Limey. (Sure would like to know where he is now!) Nothing else in this one to talk about. Next, your V-mail of 12 Nov.
It was all about the party in honor of Vicki Paula. Glad you had such a good time, Sweet, only next time you feel like telling me you had to ride on some male’s lap - please think better of it. I know it is silly of me to mind, but I do. I just squirm at the thought of it. I’m not blaming you, Sweet, for something that is my fault, I’m merely telling you this so that you will think twice before writing in that vein again. I'm very glad that everyone complimented you on your appearance. That, I love to hear.
And now, I'm afraid I must sign off again. It's time for “lights out,” Need I say that I am keeping our “date” at this very moment? My dearest love, Sweet, to you and the punkin. Love to all from
Your Phil
Dec. 2, 1944
Dear Evelyn,
It has troubled me for days; the problem of a birthday gift for Adele. Now it’s come and gone and I’ve done nothing concrete. Believe me though when I tell you that last Saturday while I was in Oklahoma City I went to the kid’s department of a nice store. Okla. City is a pretty rich place and the prices are exhorbitant. I know you could do a lot better with a tenner in Philly than I could here, so here ’tis. And please Ev when you start worrying about mine, remember that I’d want nothing better than a hair brush and will accept nothing else. You can deliver it in person when you come to visit me in N.Y. while I recuperate from the ear operation I’m undergoing Dec. 27, that Dr. Lempert is going to do.
I hope you’re all well as am I. Cripes I weigh 15 pounds more since I stopped smoking Sept. 20th, and I keep gaining. If this keeps up I’ll have to start again. Boy would I love it. My love to you all.
As ever,
December 2, 1944
Dear Phil,
I received your most welcome letter. As always, it was a thrill merely to finger the envelope in keen anticipation of absorbing its contents. I wasn’t disappointed.
Phil, in a remote way I sensed what you inferred in relation to your family and you and yours. But to learn that it is significant enough for you to convey to me by written word, that was quite a shock. Phil, I wouldn’t dare say what I am going to if your perceptions couldn’t embrace the thought as from my heart and for the good of yours. I know they will, so here goes:
If Adele has any brothers or sisters or both and if they are taught money principles as have been you and Harry and Jack, then that won’t be good, either. ’Nuff said.
Phil, your letter came a full a month after you dated it. I received it at Borden General Hospital, Chickasha, Oklahoma. I imagine Ev has given you the play by play description. The final score will be this. By March of 1945 I will hear almost normally if all goes well. If it won’t be that way I hope I can tell you in person that the operation worked a little slower for me. In March I will still be here, having returned for observation after being operated on and treated by Dr. Lempert in N.Y.
What you said about Marilyn and me I appreciate very much. Had I received your letter there at Camp Hale I don’t think I could have resisted the urge to show it to her. However, I didn’t receive it there so I don’t know how much it might have altered the strained relations between us at the time due to her inability to decide whom it was she wanted most to please, me or her parents. It had by that time become very obvious that she couldn’t do both. When I left we had been hitting it off fairly well. I was quite gloomy about it all. Now it seems as though we’re quit of each other. Since that seemed quite apparent I entertained no compunctions about escorting a very lovely lady in these parts that says my company is indeed enjoyable to her as is hers to me. I know you think I don’t know my mind. Maybe. But here’s how I look at it. Look at all the experience I’m getting. Brother, I’m going to end up as happily married as you. Wait and see.
Phil, I’m glad you have accepted Denver. When Ev forwards your letter to me—
Phil, as I’ve done before and will do again I set your letter aside for twelve days. I’ve since received your letter pertaining to postwar Denver plans. Phil, it sounds swell. I don’t think your dope on the amount of capital we can raise is correct. If the amount is correct, then the method of getting it must be damned near impossible. However once we get set and have decided to adopt your plan, nothing will stop us.
Here though is the barrier. I am not married. You cannot depend on me until I am. I wasn’t going into a discourse on the subject but I’m afraid I shall have to.
Did it ever occur to you that I am scared of marrying as did Sam and Ann and Len and Lea. I am thankful now in the new light that that affair between Frances (remember on the beach when I told you about it) and me did blow up. I say I am scared because I’m afraid I’d be bored too soon after the sexual angle became taken for granted. You see, I am different from Sam and Len. My life has been in a world different from theirs and Ann’s and Lea’s.
I’ve known and still know three girls, either one of whom I’d marry because their intelligence matches or exceeds mine, but more important, because their college degrees assure me that such are their minds that they’ll be active on that score for many years to come. Don’t misunderstand, I know that a girl that never saw the inside of a high school might be a lovelier person than all three. Here’s what I’m driving at. Two of these girls, Marilyn and Adeline, attracted me immensely. There was something about them that made each date a thing of beauty and interest and continuous humor. Only after several dates with each did I learn of their background. Adeline’s Mom and Dad even hold degrees. Adeline is a swell girl and lots of fun. But Phil, I’m almost positive that we couldn’t hit it off sexually. I’m sure I’m afraid to take a chance. Hence I’m trying, now while I’m in New York to dim our affair down to a friendship stage. (I’m in New York writing from the hospital since this ink turned blue.)
Marilyn, you know about. The last is Marjorie. She isn’t pretty as either but she has everything. Marjorie is my speech teacher. She’s 24. If we can work things out, we’re trying, we’ll be married this year.
If you’re puzzling among other things about what I’d be doing with a speech teacher, it’s this. Speech is part of a course given at Borden General Hospital where I was between October 14 and December 20, 1944, in Chickasha, Oklahoma. You see that’s one of three hospitals in the States that receives deafened patients. Mostly they are combat casualties. Many are like me. There is a definite procedure in these cases consisting of classes in lip reading, classes in auricular training (how to listen) and classes in speech. All that plus being fitted with the hearing aid that suits the patient best. Then after two months which included the above 95% are discharged.
I, after being routed there from Camp Hale when the engineer board closed down, was indignant. All I wanted was leave to get the Lempert operation and godamit nothin’ else. They calmed me down and promised me a 30 day sick furlough after two months of their special treatment. That’s how I met Marjorie. That’s how I got here. I’ll try for a 15 day extension which I need for treatment by Lempert in the last phases of ear drainage due to the operation. At some later date I’ll write more to you about both the results of the operation and Marjorie. Incidentally when I mentioned Phil Strongin to her and what I thought of the bum she said “I hope he doesn’t call me Marilyn.”
As ever,
P.S. I’m eleven days past the operation. Just the merest bit dizzy, and going to Sam and Anne Monday. Today is Saturday, January 6, 1945. May this be the year you all come home.
P.P.S. I return to Borden Hosp. around Feb. 1st.
My address is
Ward C-12
Borden General Hosp.
Chickasha, Oklahoma
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