13 Jan., 1945
Ev, darling,
Just got back from seeing the second swell picture in two days. It was “Home in Indiana,” and I certainly enjoyed it.
Received your two V-mails of 3, 4 Jan. this afternoon. You seem to be having trouble with my mail again. I’m sorry, Chippie, but maybe these past few V-mails I have written will make better time getting home.
You say that my November bond is way overdue and ask me to trace it. I think, Chippie, that you could get much better results by writing to the Army War Bond Office, Chicago, Ill. Any letter I might write would take about a month to clear channels. So if it hasn’t arrived by the time you get this, just drop them a line.
It was good of you, Sweet, to write on the 4th - even if, as you say, you were not in the mood.
Sorry to hear that Harry is not doing too well with his business, but I was thinking he’ll be pretty lucky if he can stay out of the Army, now that they are putting the pressure on the 4-F’s.
Was surprised to learn that the punkin knows the whole alphabet. As for her singing - do you actually mean to tell me she can carry a tune?? Forgive me if I seem dubious, but I find it hard to imagine Adele doing some of the things you tell me she does.
Tomorrow, I start my “pass,” which, I have told you, I will spend right here - writing a flock of letters. I still have some of yours which I haven’t found time to answer, but I’ll take care of that in the next day or two - you may depend on it, honey.
Until then, darling, I’ll say my usual fond good-night. Give my love to the punkin and all the family. I love you more than ever, Sweet Chippie! I am
As always,
Your Phil
January 13, 1945
Dear Eve:
Received your letter and I was very glad to hear from you. Has Ed been in on weekends yet. I guess he needs a few more months rest before they let him go. I’ll bet he’ll have some real stories to tell me when we both get together again. It was good to hear that Phil is still stationed in England. I’m sorry I forgot when Adele’s birthday was, but I’ll make it up to her.
[Author unknown, possibly brother Seymour]
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