Dec. 9, 1944
My dearest Phil,
Yipee! Today I hit the jackpot, and for the first time in weeks I really received what I call "mail". There were your letters of Nov. 21, 23 (to Adele), 26 and 27-28 and 29. One contained the locket. There was also a four page letter from Milt Brown and I shall send it along if this doesn't become too heavy. He mentioned having received your letter and no doubt will tell you, in detail, what he told me. He was one of three fellows that had to land first on a beachhead operation against the Japs. One of the fellows was killed, one was almost killed and a hand grenade was thrown at Milt. Luckily, he only had small pieces of shrapnel in his left hand, which are healing and will leave no marks.
The type is very clear - or hadn't you noticed. I cleaned the typewriter and put on a new ribbon before starting this, all for your benefit, my dear. And now to your letters - but, wait, first about the locket. The locket arrived in excellent condition and is very, very lovely. I know full well just how much it means to you, sweet, but this may disappoint you a little. The locket, or heart (as you wish) and the chain are both too big for little Adele. I could have the chain shortened, but the heart is much too enormous for her. I realize it couldn't be made smaller due to the Air Corps. insignia, so the only thing I can do is put it away for her. I can't help wondering where you got the lovely chain. You said Red made the heart. I didn't know you saw him that often. You may tell him for me that his hands, are his fortune and I only wish I were as capable with my hands as he is with his. It’s a perfect heart shape! The one you sent me is smaller in size and the insignia is smaller, too. Perhaps you have some better idea - so give, honey. Thank Red for me, will you.
And now to your letters. Wait just a minute. I almost forgot to mention Adele's reactions. She took an immediate liking to the "yocket" and wore it most of the evening. When asked who sent it to her, she replied "Daddy, dear". She even kissed me, as you asked her to. She listened as I read the letter to my mother and when I read "Kiss Mommy", she immediately accommodated you. On the "mouse" too! So much for the locket.
There are many of your letters missing. Both Ethel and I are waiting patiently for the letter in which you describe your meeting with Harry - but nothing doing yet. When I called Ethel this evening I learned something you may know - that Harry is now in France. Looks like you caught him just in time. Seems like you're the only one left in England.
Your letter of the 21st informed me that you had received Lil's package: Glad you're so thrilled with the contents and "hearty appetite.” If you’d like any item duplicated, you merely have to ask. You ask me in this one how Adele knows enough to say "Mommy wants you". I keep telling her to "tell Daddy to come home, Mommy wants him". I liked you're ending of "Constantly -" (very nice).
Need I comment on the letter to Adele? In a word, it was "beautiful".
Yours of the 26th was short and sweet, cause you hadn't received any mail from me. You were full of "ideas" in this one.
The letter of 27-28 contained the information I had been waiting for most impatiently. I have quite a bit to say in retaliation. When I said a very definite "NO" to your post-war plans, it wasn't that I'm not interested. I'm very much interested, for I've told you many times that I'd much rather have my own business than be employed by anyone. Naturally, I exaggerated when I said I detected a "million flaws, ", but there are many. When I picked on "sleeping in boarding houses with Adele”, it wasn't because you cannot count on me when it comes to putting up with discomfort. I'll put up with a lot if I have to and I've put up with a lot during my lifetime. No, I'm not afraid of any hardship, as long as I'm with you, but I cannot see dragging Adele here and there. I'll go anywhere, anytime, no matter what the obstacles, but Adele stays put, even if it means leaving her with my mother. That too, would depend on our mode of travel and whether or not we could afford to do it. Too many things concerning a child's life would enter into the picture and that would have to be decided upon only at "that" time, Do you realize how distasteful it is to me to have to travel with her just to get a pair of shoes? And that's only here in the city! But so much for that.
Where did you get the idea that the government would lend you something like $6000 without security, as well as interest? You'll probably have to give an arm and a leg for security. I know very little about "government loans", but from what I've read, I gather that much. In all probability you'll have to put up something like 1/5 or more as a starter, or about $1000 for $5000, so you see, we'll be all tied up from the start, unless I manage to save a good deal more money in the coming months.
I'm not against leaving my folks, but I wouldn't want to be away from them indefinitely and unless we could see our way clear to visiting Philly from time to time, I could not see leaving for another city, as well as state. Traveling expense, such as that incurred when traveling from Philly to Denver and back won't fit into any budget we may make and wouldn't for a long time, till we had sufficient time to build ourselves up. It surprises me a bit that you would want to leave the family altogether, when, on several occasions you've told me how lucky I am to have them around.
One of your sentences "You must realize, sweet, that one does not get ahead without sacrificing something" surprised me, too. What do you think I'm doing at the moment? Remember, besides missing you terribly, I miss Adele all day long. (And if you want to say that it isn't necessary for me to work - don't - we've been all over that - and you know full well, even better than I do how much more of a start we'll have if we can save a lot in the interim). Nor do I feel happy about breaking up a home that we both worked very hard to build - that hurts deeply. I know, darling, that there will be "bad" times as well as "good" ones and you know full well that I'm with you anytime, whether good or bad.
You call yourself a "most unambitious fellow". That is one adjective I detest! I have no admiration for anyone who is "unambitious". If one is full of life and the desire to live, he should be ambitious, regardless of what his ambition may be. Surely you must feel ambitious about something other than attaining "worldly goods for all of us" that you claim is my idea. I'd hate to think I had to talk you into attaining such things for Adele and myself, as well as for you. Aren't there any "worldly goods" you would like to have where you are concerned? Phil do you remember how bitter I was when you first went into the Army and I had to have Adele? Raising her properly has been a tough job and it's going to take a long time before I forget all those "hurts" and "doing without". I'm not asking you to promise me or guarantee me anything - I know you can't do that either. When I say everything must be "right", I mean mostly that we must have our own place. Is that asking too much of a husband? I'm not asking for any "Utopia" either. I have your word that you'll do your best. How can I ask for anything more!
Thanks for being so explicit on the question of giving up the house. Since Mom is in N.Y. and won't be back until Monday morning and has had her share of grief this week, I shall say nothing whatever about it until January, at least. I'm terribly glad to be able to report, what I've mentioned in two letters, that Goldie has been so swell since Mom left for N.Y. She prepared the meals and did whatever cleaning she could in her spare time. It makes me feel swell and I know you'll feel that way, too.
I'm sure Harry and Goldie realize, more each day, that the present setup could not be found everywhere. Goldie is more tolerant of my opinions. Before she had Diana, she used to tell me how she would do this or how she would do that and now I keep saying "I told you so". Same goes for Harry,
Since Mom has been away both H & G have been more considerate and easier to get along with: In case you didn't know it, I started on this letter at 10:30 P.M. and since it is 12, I think I'd better continue tomorrow. Good night, sweet.
Dec. 10, 1944
Here I am again. I had a full morning and just finished cleaning. Since Adele is still sleeping, I'm taking advantage of the break to get this finished.
Phil, dear, you must realize that I will do nothing to hurt anyone in connection with giving up the place. Some night, when Mom and I are alone, I shall get to talking with her, tell her of our plans, both present and future, and point out to her each and every reason for the move. I am not going to tell her that you agreed to this, even if she should feel bitter, but I doubt it extremely. I'm going to make her understand that it's only a temporary setup and that we shall open up house once again when you have returned and that she is more than welcome to live with us, I'm not holding anything against her, sweet, for any of her actions, nor have I ever done so. Far be it from me to come between any child and its mother. I, for one, never wish to be the cause of any hard feelings between you and your mother. I have "you" as a husband and father and I shall always be grateful to her for that. I wouldn't call your mother thoughtless, either, for I believe she gives most everything she does some thought. After I've told her what I plan to do I shall tell her that I am advising you. Then you may write to her, and assure her as you wish. I think it would be better that way. At least she would feel that I've taken her into my confidence on the matter and it would be easier for her.
For the time being, we shall drop the entire matter. I'll take it up whenever the opportunity for doing so tactfully arises and shall advise you at that time. Don't feel badly, honey, for I feel certain that everything will work out satisfactorily in the end. As I told you, I'm not that anxious to go back home, for I'd much rather make my own way in the world. It's the wisest thing to do for the present, and I'm glad you understand. Houses and apartments are like diamonds these days and it may take a long time for H & G to get situated. Besides, I do not intend to move back home until my folks have redone the house. So you see, sweet, it's not as easily done as said, and who knows, by that time you may be coming home ( I hope, I hope, I hope). We shall see -
Your letter of the 29th was just full of question marks. Yes, I could write volumes about our daughter, but I have so little time and patience for it, and I'm genuinely sorry if I'm keeping you in the dark. Adele calls me "Mommy" and I call her Adele - always. I usually call her "mummy" when she's extra specially sweet. I’ve already told you that she knows her own name. She pronounces it very clearly, as far as I'm concerned and will usually say it for anyone who requests it. She looks very cute today. She's wearing her plaid cotton pleated skirt (the one Mrs. Bader made for her) a white blouse with little designs running down the front and puffed sleeves. She has a little red bow in her hair and red and white socks and white shoes finish off the outfit. Her hair is parted on the left side and merely held off her face by the little red bow. In the morning, the first thing she usually does is ask to be taken to the bathroom to make "sissy" or she orders me to "Det up, Mommy". (she doesn't know how to pronounce her "g" sound). Adele puts her dolly in the doll carriage and wheels her about, reads a book, opens all the drawers and closet doors, plays with her blocks (builds them up and throws them down or wheels the toy around) plays hide and seek and today she did something new. She spread the joke papers on the floor, stretched out and scanned them carefully. I pointed out such figures as Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, etc. and that kept her occupied for a while. She particularly likes when Jack sits her on his shoulders, her feet around his neck and sort of gives her a horseback ride. He holds her hands and bobs up and down and she squeals with delight. The other day my mother went to the refrigerator to get a jar of beets and spilled half the jar. She must have said a loud "oh" for Adele immediately piped in with "What happened, Nanmom - spilled the beets? Adele never liked beets, but she loves them now. She'll drink out a whole jar of beet juice if you'd let her. Adele seems to be afraid of the dark, though I try hard to discourage it. For instance, in the morning when we come down for breakfast, she won't go into the living room. (Any other time she'll run in and out). When I ask her why she doesn't go into the living room, she says, "Too dark in ere." When I bring her home at night, she says, "Mommy look at the moon and the stars". She is very contrary at times - when I tell her to do something she won't and vice versa. Her coloring remains the same. There is nothing whatever abnormal about her little legs. They are well formed, but there is still that tendency to walk pigeon-toed. I suspect she thinks it's funny or cute, or something, and does it on purpose, She is developing the habit of walking up and down the stairs without holding on (big shot) and it makes me very nervous.
I'm afraid I'll have to continue about Adele some other time, for my time is growing short and I have many things to do before the day is over.
I bought Harry a lovely wallet for his birthday and Adele gave it to him last night. It's made of natural colored pigskin, has four celluloid picture cases, a change purse, a window for cards, etc. and a zipper that closes it on two sides. It cost $4 and 80¢ tax. He likes it very much. You can have one, if you wish. How is the old wallet, anyway?
I’ve been interrupted a million times. Ruth has Adele out in the carriage for a few minutes and I'm trying like mad to finish odds and ends. Sylvia (Milt's girl) just called and told me something very confidentially. Syd wrote her that he is coming home on furlough and doesn't want anyone to know just yet. It has to be passed by three boards and he has already passed two and so doesn't want to spread anything around until he is positively sure. There's a catch - he'll have to go back when the furlough is over. But I think he should take it, for he has been away almost two and a half years and that's more than enough.
Syl also informed me that Phil Strongin is home on furlough, so I guess he'll be around most any day now. I'm very surprised that he didn't even as much as call us yet, but undoubtedly he is kept very busy and will get around to us eventually.
And now, sweetheart, I'm going to kiss you soundly, hug you ever so tight, tell you just once more that I love you very dearly and that I am
Your Eve
9 December 1944
Dearest Darling,
Last night I was pulling my own CQ. I had just settled down to writing my daily stint, when one of our officers came round with some work for me that killed the rest of the evening. That is why it couldn't write to you last night.
This is the third day running that I haven’t had mail from you, Chippie, but I did get two lovely packages. One was Mom's, and it was very well received. Tuna and salmon are very welcome here (especially the tuna, which is impossible to procure), and the bag full of candy wasn’t hard to take, either. The other package was from the girls of the Label Bureau, and a swell bunch of stuff was contained therein. There was first and foremost, a scrumptious Yello-Bole pipe and two packs of Bond Street tobacco, (thank you for that, Chippie), then there was tooth-paste, tooth-brush, band-aids, pipe cleaners, candy bars, chewing gum, shaving cream, Jergen's Lotion, and possibly other things that I can’t remember. Yesterday, I received gift of the Wynmans and Chases. There was a very nice fruit cake that I have laid aside for Xmas eve, some very tasty roasted & salted peanuts, a box of Stevens Chocolates, and a fig bar, which contained citron (which I despise), but Stahle took care of that.
Earlier this evening, I went to the movies to see “Bathing Beauty” (for the 3rd time -yes, was that good, Chippie). I particularly liked Ethel Smith's superb performance on the organ (especially that Latin number), and Harry James' rendition of the “Hora Toccata,” to say nothing of Xavier Cugat’s exciting rhythms.
Well, honey, I’ve thought and thought - and can't think of another thing to say - except, of course, that I love you more than ever (if such a thing is possible.) My dearest love to our sweet punkin. Love to all from
Your devoted
Last night I was pulling my own CQ. I had just settled down to writing my daily stint, when one of our officers came round with some work for me that killed the rest of the evening. That is why it couldn't write to you last night.
This is the third day running that I haven’t had mail from you, Chippie, but I did get two lovely packages. One was Mom's, and it was very well received. Tuna and salmon are very welcome here (especially the tuna, which is impossible to procure), and the bag full of candy wasn’t hard to take, either. The other package was from the girls of the Label Bureau, and a swell bunch of stuff was contained therein. There was first and foremost, a scrumptious Yello-Bole pipe and two packs of Bond Street tobacco, (thank you for that, Chippie), then there was tooth-paste, tooth-brush, band-aids, pipe cleaners, candy bars, chewing gum, shaving cream, Jergen's Lotion, and possibly other things that I can’t remember. Yesterday, I received gift of the Wynmans and Chases. There was a very nice fruit cake that I have laid aside for Xmas eve, some very tasty roasted & salted peanuts, a box of Stevens Chocolates, and a fig bar, which contained citron (which I despise), but Stahle took care of that.
Earlier this evening, I went to the movies to see “Bathing Beauty” (for the 3rd time -yes, was that good, Chippie). I particularly liked Ethel Smith's superb performance on the organ (especially that Latin number), and Harry James' rendition of the “Hora Toccata,” to say nothing of Xavier Cugat’s exciting rhythms.
Well, honey, I’ve thought and thought - and can't think of another thing to say - except, of course, that I love you more than ever (if such a thing is possible.) My dearest love to our sweet punkin. Love to all from
Your devoted
10 Dec. 1944
Dear Aunt & Cousins:
I received your V letter of Nov. 26th and was glad to hear from you. I hope by now that your brother Eddie has been released from the hospital and will suffer no more ill effects from his experiences any more. I don’t think my job is important but try and tell that to the army who’s afraid to let anybody go, but I’m getting a break at last. When you get this letter don’t write to me anymore and please inform the Weinman family to stop writing. I expect to be seeing you in a couple months. It’ll only be a thirty day furlough and I’ll have to come back but I accepted it anyway just to be able to come back for awhile.
I’m well and in good health and I hope you are the same. I figure accepting a furlough for me would be O.K. as I’m single or if they wanted to I could stay overseas now for the duration seeing both theaters & I expect that might be my case. If I was a married I wouldn’t accept such a deal - and I’m not kidding as it is a sucker deal all around. All my love and regards to you all.
As ever,