March 15, 1945
Dearest Darling,
Am knocking this off, just so you’ll have a letter dated the 15th. Immediately after work, I ate at H & H alone (gee I hate to go somewhere alone!) & met Eddie at Uncle Nish’s. Unc promised to get Ed a wrist watch through a jeweler he knows & we went out to see what he had. He had nothing to show us but promised to get us a good buy (if such can be had). I asked him what he’d give me for the gold watch I have & though he admitted it was solid gold, $15 was all he offered to pay for it. I think it’s worth much more & if I can get a good price for it I may trade it in & get some sort of watch that works. I’m lost without a watch these days. We got home by nine & I put Adele to bed. It was a very muggy day & I feel very tired—but I love you so much.
Your Eve
P.S. Received your v-mail of 7 Mar.
15 March 1945
My Darling,
I’ve been writing for a long time now about how busy I am—how “full” my days are, etc., etc., but today really took the cake! For the first time (and I hope the last) the press of business prevented me from eating dinner. No kiddin’, Sweet,—there was a report to be got out by 1 o’clock, and I had to work along with Lt. Toms right through my lunch hour to get it done. By the time we finished, it was too late to eat! That’s the Army for you! [Hand me my civvies, baby!]
Last night, after I wrote to you, I went to the dance at the Aero Club. The Club has been redecorated, and is really a nice place to relax of an evening. The large Snack Bar dining room is cleared for dancing on Wednesdays and every other Sunday. The floor is linoleum, and seems to serve nicely. (I have yet to try it, though, so I couldn’t say for sure). Anyway, about a hundred G.I.’s, and about the same number of girls usually attend. The lights are dimmed, the G.I. bands that play here are usually well worth hearing and a good time is had by all—even your ever-lovin’ hubby, who sits by and watches like the veriest wall-flower. However, I had rather watch Klein dance, anyway, so I don’t feel that I’m missing anything.
If I don’t miss my guess, honey, this should reach you just a day or two before your birthday. Therefore, permit me to take this medium to wish you many happy returns of the day, my darling, and to make a further wish that next year we shall celebrate our birthdays together—Your birthday gift was ordered about a month ago for delivery on 28 March. I hope it reaches you then, and that you will understand that it is not quite what I would want to give you in honor of the occasion, but that circumstances, unfortunately, prevent a greater evidencing of love and devotion on my part. I can duly reassert what I have told you so many times before—I adore you, my Evie—Love to all from
Your Phil
March 15, 1945
Dear Phil:
No letter from you, but I have some extra time, so I thought I’d drop you a few lines. Had a letter from Evelyn a few days ago, & everyone is fine at home. I answered her letter yesterday. The war news in Europe sure does sound good, and it looks like an all out drive to smash the Germans. If things keep up the way they are going now, it may not be too long before we see Germany fall. I’ll bet you boys are sweating it out, & hoping you don’t have to come to the Pacific after the European situation is over with. There’s no more kidding yourself though for they will send a lot of men & equipment over here so that they can clean up Japan in a hurry, & brother they surely have it coming to them. We probably have enough here now to take care of Japan, but it would take longer that way. I sure hope you’re not on the list for the Pacific, but I won’t count on it too much if I were you. Well, at the present time I’m getting plenty of rest as I’m in the Hospital. It’s nothing serious though, & I expect to join the outfit in a few more days. I have a sore on my left toe, & they put me in here to keep me off my feet, as it will heal up quicker that way. I need a little rest, & this sure is the place to get it. I’ll be glad to get out though, as I can’t stand too much of the laying around & doing nothing. They put hot towels & water bags to my toe three times a day, & it’s healing up fine now. The Company I’m in is only about a ten minute ride from the Hospital. We get our mail every day, as our mail orderly brings it to us from the Company. The food is fairly good, but you just can’t get enough of it. I stay hungry practically all the time. Asking for a second piece of bread is like asking for their right arm & I am not joking either. They have a movie here at night, but so far I have only seen one show since I have been here. The only reason why I haven’t seen any more is that it rained the other nights. I came into the Hospital the ninth of this month. They have a new U.S.O. show on the Island now, and we were supposed to see it last night here, but it rained & boy were we all sore. They say it’s pretty good & ran quite a long time in the States. You probably remember it, “Hell’s A Poppin’.” Well, Phil, that’s about all for now. Drop me a line when you have a few moments to spare, & I’ll do the same.
As Ever,