Thursday, December 8, 2022

Post #669 - June 7, 8, 1945 Can You Imagine Receiving Mail Only Four Days Old from England!


June 7, 1945

My dearest Phil,

Last night I took Adele down to Geuting's for a pair of shoes. I got home from work early, had dinner, dressed Adele and left at 7:45. We arrived at Geuting's at 8:15, making good time on the C bus and the subway. Adele was as good as gold going down, but coming back we couldn't get a seat on the bus (good ole American courtesy, you know) and she became very, very cranky. If you don't mind, I'd like to buy a car after the war is over and drive it myself when you are not able to take me when I want to go. It burns me up!

At any rate, I was lucky enough to get a pair of shoes, (they had been out of stock on them for several weeks and the shoes I needed had arrived that very day). The salesgirl called a special man to fit the shoes & note the prescription. The man stated that Dr. Lefkoe's prescriptions are followed to a "t" as he (the doc) is very fussy & they think very highly of him 
saying that he's one of the best. Adele wears an 8D, & I was lucky enough to get white.

Today I was absolutely delighted to receive your letters of June 2 & 3 - can you imagine receiving mail only four days old from England! I’m glad you're in perfect health and I’ll take good care of those "emotional disturbances,” once given 
the opportunity. I'm equally glad that you will still get the furlough, for I realize what it means to you. Have a good time, sweet. By coincidence you mention buying a car. There isn’t a decent thing to be had nowadays, but you can be sure we'll get one when they are available & you are able to upkeep one. I feel better knowing that you are in perfect condition & I feel certain that the heartburn can be taken care of by a diet.

June 8, 1945

Hello, Baby, here I am again! When I had settled down to write, in walked Rae & I had dinner with her. By the time I bathed Adele, washed her hair, washed the clothes, cleaned her shoes, etc, etc. it was pretty late, so I spent the remainder of the evening knitting & talking to Rae. 

I made several calls. Snuff came in yesterday morning & I spoke with him awhile. He sounds good. They will be up next week some time. I had tried to reach Frances on several occasions, but to no avail. Yesterday I finally reached her. It happened to be her first day home from the hospital. Mike & Frances now have two daughters, Norma & Martha. Mike was promoted to first Sgt. & calls Frances from Panama each week, as he is permitted to put calls through. Frances gave birth on May 23. She was due May 7 &  had hoped to gain 12 additional points for Mike—but no dice; she was 11 days too late. She asked me to come out to see her & I shall do so in the near future.

Also called Dr. Lefkoe to make an appointment for Friday, June 15th at which time he will examine & fit her new shoes. Incidentally, including the $5 for the visit, Adele's new shoes will stand me $13 or more, for, I'm not sure of the charges for an additional correction. The doctor is taking away the heel correction (there was a 1⁄4” insert put in the heel) because he does not think that she needs it any longer, & the charge will be made to remove the correction.

The Browns will be here for dinner Sunday with Syd & Mom, Adele and I are going there next Sunday for dinner. The Browns are going to have all their New York relatives for visitors next Sunday & want us to be there. Syd has the required amount of points for a discharge (he has over 90) but is considered essential & will not be discharged.

The weather continues cool, although it warmed up quite a bit today. 

I'll have have to go " lovey” on you now for I'm just about "writ, out". Darling, there just aren't words to tell you just how much you mean to me and how anxious I am to see you soon. A hug & kiss, baby mine, from

Your ever lovin’